The following information outlines research training requirements for individuals who conduct research at the University of Pittsburgh, including faculty, staff, and students. The purpose of this training is not only to satisfy government and University of Pittsburgh policy requirements, but to enhance research activities at all stages. Inquiries about training should be directed to
Who must complete the training?
Anyone conducting research* at the University of Pittsburgh is required to complete training prior to beginning the project, regardless of the funding source. There are training requirements applicable to all researchers, while other requirements vary based on the nature of the research. Those requirements that cross domains are listed separately and should be reviewed closely.
* For those in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, scholarly activities that meet the threshold to be considered research (primarily natural and social sciences) are when emphasis is on testing, verification, and use of empirical data.
Web-based Training
The University of Pittsburgh offers two primary online training portals:
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
With one exception, all training for University members is accessed through the CITI online training program. To access the CITI training, you must log into the Pitt CITI access portal using your Pitt or UPMC email account that is linked to Pitt HSConnect. If your account is currently linked to a third party email address, please contact to merge your account. Instructions for navigating the Pitt CITI portal are displayed on the login page at Questions should be directed to
Community Partner Research Ethics Training (CPRET)
The Community Partner Research Ethics Training (CPRET) and Certification is intended for community partners that are non-university employees who actively participate in research with human subjects (but will not be listed as a member of the research team in the IRB application). This course provides them with the opportunity to learn about conducting research that is ethical and safe.
Email for more information.